- ***A change of clothes (Complete uniform with underclothes and socks) in a freezer bag with name on bag.
- 1 big backpack
- 2 marble (NO LINES) composition notebooks (unruled)
- 2 HARD plastic pocket folders
- 1 box of 8 large primary crayola crayons
- 1 pack of 4 large primary size pencils (no erasers)
- 3 jumbo size glue sticks
- 1 box of 2-gallons size bags
- 1 box of gallon size bags
- 1 box of quart size bags
- 1 box of zipped sandwich bags (NO folded)
- 1 pack of dry erase markers
- 4 bottles of liquid soaps
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 2 packs of flushables wipes
- 3 packs of disinfectant wipes
- Regular size backpack
- 1 plastic pencil box
- 2 packs of pencils
- 1 pack of pink erasers
- 1 box of Jumbo Crayola crayons
- 2 boxes of Crayola crayons
- 2 boxes of washable Crayola markers
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 3 Jumbo Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 bottle of liquid glue
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 pack of dry erase markers
- 4 wide ruled marble composition books
- 1 primary composition book
- 2 9 X 12 drawing pads
- 4 plastic 2-pocket folders (with prongs, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green)
- 1 pack 50 pcs heavyweight sheet protectors
- 1 letter sized clipboard
- 2 large boxes of tissues
- 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
- 2 bottles of hand soap
- 2 rolls of paper towel (select a size)
- 1 box of quart size bags
- 1 box of gallon size bags
- 2 packs of flushable wipes
- 3 packs of disinfectant wipes
- *** Change of uniform clothes with underwear and socks placed in a labeled gallon bag. (Please label all clothing.)
First Grade
- 2 Boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayons
- 1 Pack of Sticky Notes
- 2 Packs of 24 count #2 Pencils (No mechanical or fancy pencils)
- 1 Pack of 8 count Washable Markers
- 1 Pencil Box OR Pencil Bag
- 5 Plastic Two-Pocket Folders without prongs
- 1 Pair of child-size Scissors
- 1 Packs of Black Dry Erase Expo Markers (4 count)
- 3 Jumbo Elmer Glue sticks
- 1 box of Gallon-sized sandwich bags
- 1 Backpack
- 5 Wide Ruled Marble Composition Books (no spirals)
- 1 pack of pink erasers
- 1 Bottles of hand sanitizer
- 1 bottle of hand soap
- 2 Boxes of Kleenex Tissues
- Change of uniform clothes (will be kept in backpack)
- 1 set of headphones with USB-A adaptor (see full document for example)
Second Grade
- 6 marble composition books
- 1 pencil pouch
- 1 pair of round edge scissors
- 2 packs of loose leaf paper
- 1 pack of post-it notes
- 2 packs of dry erase markers
- 1 pack of washable markers
- 2 highlighters
- 5 packs of #2 pencils
- 1 box of 24 crayons
- 5 jumbo erasers
- 6 two pocket folders
- 6 glue sticks
- 4 boxes of tissues
- 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags
- 1 box of quart size Ziploc bags
- 1 clipboard
- 1 pair of headphones
*Please label all supplies. Unlabeled supplies are for classroom materials.
Third Grade
- 1 box of crayons
- 1 box of colored pre-sharpened pencils
- 2 packs of sticky notes
- 3 Packs of pre-sharpened pencils
- 1 pencil box
- 3 two pocket folders
- 1 handheld pencil sharpener
- 2 Packs of Dry Erase Markers
- 4 packages of Clorox Wipes
- 4 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer
- 4 boxes Kleenex
- 4 containers of Liquid Soap
- 1 package of Ziploc bags (1 quart size and 1 gallon size)
- 1 bookbag
- 1 Box of Erasers for pencils
- 4 composition notebooks
- 2 spiral notebooks
- 1 pair of scissors
- 2 packs of glue sticks
- 1 pair of headphones
Fourth Grade
- Individual Supplies:
- (6) Composition journals
- (8) 2-Pocket Folders
- (2) Packs of #2 pencils (NON-MECHANICAL)
- (1) Erasers (cap or other)
- (2) Glue sticks
- (1) Crayons (1 pack of 24 max.)
- (3) Highlighters (3 different colors)
- (1) Pair of scissors
- (1) Pack of colored pencils
- (1) Pack of markers
- (1) Ruler with cm, inches
- (1) pair of headphones
- Zippered pencil pouch (no boxes)
- Community: Class Donations Needed-
- (2) Packs of posted notes
- (2) Glue sticks (Elmer’s if possible)
- (3) Highlighters (different colors)
- (4) Pack notebook paper (one per quarter)
- Kleenex
- Hand Soap
- Sanitizing Wipes
Fifth Grade
- 10 - Wide-ruled Composition Books
- Pencils # 2 - will need to resupply throughout the year
- Pencil sharpener with shaving catcher
- Additional pencil cap erasers
- 1 - supply bag/pouch
- 6 - Folders with pockets and 3 prong (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple)
- 2 - pack of dry erase markers
- 1 – large or multiple packs of sticky notes
- 2 - glue sticks or bottles of glue
- 2 - highlighters
- 1 - 24 count box of crayons
- 1 - 12 colored pencils
- 1 - pair of safety scissors
- 1 - pair of headphones
- 4 - boxes of tissues
- 2 - rolls paper towels