Students are permitted to enter the school building at 8:00 am.
All students enter through the front door and proceed to their designated areas:
6th and 7th grade students: Assemble in the gymnasium.
8th grade students: Assemble in the cafeteria.
Student Dismissal
Students are dismissed at 3:10 pm through the front doors.
Vehicles picking up students should use the side parking lot adjacent to the bus lanes.
In the event of late buses, students are escorted to the gymnasium until the buses arrive.
Any student waiting to be picked up must report to the gymnasium.
Parents/guardians must write a letter to the administration for any changes in regular dismissal routines. The administration will review the request and contact the parent/guardian to confirm approval.
Early Dismissal
A “sign out” log is maintained in the front office.
Secretaries follow AP 5117 procedures for early dismissal.
State-issued identification is required to pick up a student and will be verified against Synergy records to ensure the student is being picked up by a legal parent/guardian.
The cut-off time for early departures is 2:40 pm.
After School Clubs/Activities/Sports
Students participating in after-school activities must be with the sponsor of the activity by 3:15 pm.
All other students must exit the building by 3:15 pm unless they are waiting for a bus, in which case they will wait in the gymnasium