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Health Room


The health room is located in the office wing. If a child is involved in an accident or becomes sick at school, he/she should report it to his/her teacher who will then send him/her to the health room. Children who are ill should remain at home until they are well enough to participate in the regular school program. Children's health complaints and symptoms should be taken seriously, and parents should keep students home for symptoms like: fevers, upset stomachs, sore throats, excessive nasal discharge and coughing.

It is suggested that medication be prescribed that can be given at home, avoiding, when possible, medication during school hours. If the child has to take medication on a four-hour schedule, a 7, 11, and 3 o'clock schedule should be set so the child can have the medication at lunch time with as little interruption to the school day as possible.

Students are permitted to take medication at school only when it is deemed absolutely necessary and only under the supervision of school personnel. No medication will be accepted or allowed to be self-administered without receipt of the appropriate "Medication Authorization Form" completed by parents/guardians or physician in its entirety without alteration or deletion. The school reserves the right to refuse to accept, administer, or supervise administration of any medication. The "Medication Authorization Form" is available upon request from the office, or may be downloaded from the links found below, and must accompany any medication to be administered during school hours. Medication will not be accepted by the school unless it is in an original container and labeled with the name of the medication, the name of the student, and the date. No prescription drug will be accepted by the school unless it is labeled by a registered pharmacist. with the name of the drug, the name of the student, the date, and the directions for administration.


A communicable disease is an illness caused by infectious agents or toxins transmitted from an infected person, animal, or object to another susceptible person.  Transmission can be person to person or through the environment.  After a child has had a communicable disease (e.g. chicken pox, conjunctivitis (pink eye), hand foot and mouth disease, influenza, scabies, scarlet fever, strep throat, tinea (ring worm), etc), it is necessary that parents obtain a slip from their doctor, stating that it is safe for the child to return to school. Note: The information about the diseases above serves as a basic guide for school health about communicable disease(s). It is not intended as a diagnostic guide. Consultation with a health care provider and/or the local health department may be necessary.)


Minor cuts and abrasions are cleansed with soap and water and a light, dry sterile dressing may also be used. Baking soda is applied to insect bites and stings. This is the prescribed treatment used in all Prince George's County Public Schools.