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Principal's Page

Dr. Kia Cadet.jpeg

Greetings, Thomas Johnson Middle School (TJMS) family!

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I introduce myself to you as the proud new principal of TJMS where our mascot is the mighty Jaguar. I am honored to lead our school community of exceptional students, dynamic professionals, and supportive families. Understanding that change can be unsettling, I want to assure you that through my tenure as the lead learner and advocate for TJMS, we will experience transparency, efficient communication, authentic relationship building, and above all, respectful engagement with each other at every level.

As a proud Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) graduate, serving in this role holds a special meaning. Growing up as an adopted child, I experienced many challenges our students face daily. I proudly attest that the school community of teachers, custodians, cafeteria workers, security staff, and secretaries saved my life. I am indebted to the selfless individuals who poured into me when they saw the promise and purpose of my life. My educational leadership experience remains grounded in ideals of compassion, genuine empathy, listening for understanding, mutual respect, and honoring each person’s individual journey to self-actualization.

Preparation for this position began with my role as a High School English Teacher, where I earned National Board Teacher Certification. That launched my career to serve as a 9th-Grade Academy Coordinator, AVID Coordinator, Peer Assistance and Review Consulting Teacher, Mentor Teacher, Assistant Principal, and Executive Consultant. As a nationally recognized American Association of Superintendents (AASA) administrator of excellence, please know that the TJMS scholars will become standard bearers of academic achievement, innovators of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) integration, and future chief advocates for change through our Student Government Association (SGA).

Last school year, in response to the teacher shortage, PGCPS central office staff were asked to return to the classroom. Because I staunchly believe in the question, “If not us, then who?” I excitedly answered the call to serve as early as possible. Having taught last school year at TJMS, I know the unique challenges of our school and, even more, our dynamic and great areas of promise. As the lead TJMS learner and chief advocate, we will address four priority areas during this first year.

  • Building Safety and Security: We will work to ensure that: (1) our school grounds are safe and secure, and (2) our school building has facilities improvements/updates that ensure environmental safety and sanitation maintenance.
  • High-Quality Student Learning: We will use a relevant and rigorous curriculum so that our students will: (1) see their cultures and interests weaved throughout the instructional materials, (2) attend field trips that make classroom learning come to life, and (3) develop assessment literacy skills that demonstrate their brilliance on state and district standardized tests. Click HERE, or copy and paste into your URL space, to access our SY24 TJMS School Supply List. 
  • Community Advocacy: We will create a strong Student Government Association (SGA) advocating for school, community, district, and state alliances that lead to (1) positive changes for teens, (2) opportunities for innovation, and (3) leadership development.
  • Staff Professional Growth and Development: We will value our staff by: (1) providing teachers with two daily planning periods, (2) hosting monthly collaborative learning opportunities, and (3) offering the much-needed time and resources to build their self-efficacy toward positively impacting student

I invite you to join me as we collectively create a safe, supportive, loving, and engaging new TJMS - Jaguar Nation! Join me for our “Meet and Greets.” If you cannot attend, please join us for our “Back-to-School Night” in September - details to follow.

In gratitude and service,

Dr. Kia Cadet Principal

Principal's Letter