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Principal's Corner

Beverly Botchway photo.jpeg


Greetings, JMMS Families, 

Welcome to James Madison Middle IB World School, where scholars can embark on a global educational journey. We aim to create a strong partnership with our scholars so that they can reach their full potential and succeed as middle school scholars and beyond.

The theme for this year is "Learning and Leading through Access, Culture, and Enrichment." We aim to revitalize and reclaim the James Madison Middle School's name by providing opportunities for all stakeholders to excel. We aim to provide all middle school scholars the best education and experience. To achieve this, we have planned the following for this school year:

  • Adding a Dean of Students (three total) to the staff to support culture.
  • Continuation of the Peer Mediation Program to support culture.
  • Field trips to colleges and universities to support access.
  • Guest speakers from specialty programs in the county to support access.
  • After-school activities, such as tutoring, to support enrichment.
  • Partnership with Taraji P. Henson socio-emotional foundation to support well-being and other health needs.
  • International Baccalaureate curriculum to support enrichment.

It is important for everyone involved to work together to ensure that our scholars succeed academically and emotionally. Let's strive for excellence! This year, we have introduced a parent engagement program where we provide school-wide data and opportunities to support volunteering and engagement. In addition, members will serve as thought partners to address how we will support initiatives around Access, Culture, and Enrichment (ACE). More information on how to join and the frequency of meetings will be shared at the beginning of the school year.

Important Information

  • Schedules - Scholars will receive their official schedule on the Systemic Student Orientation day and the first day of school. 
  • School Supplies - The general 2024 - 2025 school supply list is included HERE. Note: scholars will not need a compliant bookbag (clear or mesh). Scholars should also have a notebook to participate in Culture Lessons. 
  • Bus Transportation - Bus routing information will be provided by transportation. Go to for bus information. Families will receive a letter from the Transportation Department indicating student am and pm routes with stops and times. Every student will be assigned a bus due to the relocation. 
  • Free and Reduced Lunch - Free and reduced lunch applications are available online at
  • PGCPS Chromebooks - Students will no longer be issued Chromebooks as Chromebooks will be provided to scholars in class. Each classroom will have a cart available for scholars to use Chromebooks.
  • Immunizations - Scholars must have up-to-date immunizations. Failure to provide updated immunization records may result in exclusion from school. More information can be found HERE
  • Synergy ParentVue - Our student information system used for registration, grades, attendance and more

I look forward to working with families this year. Let’s make it the best one ever.

Please feel free to contact the school with any questions at

In partnership,


Beverly Botchway