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Ms. Durham, our Professional School Guidance Counselor strives to enhance the students lives through career, academic and social development.  Additionally, she is an advocate for our students and makes sure that nothing interferes with their ability to learn.  There are environmental and institutional barriers to the educational process.  It's her  job to identify the problem, assess it and intervene accordingly.

Counseling program consists of 4 components, they are:  individual counseling, small group counseling, large group counseling and classroom guidance.  The learning activities that are conducted deal with feelings, problem solving, bullying, peer pressure, drug and alcohol awareness and differences, to name a few.

A initiative called the Personal Education Plan (PEP), is a running record of each child's goals and aspirations.  As you know, whenever you have a goal, you need to make a plan to achieve it.  Goals are identified and plans are developed during individual sessions.  Ideally, we would like for parents to participate in this process.  The PEP is based on the premise that goal development fosters self awareness, which allows students to reflect and make good choices.  Please make an appointment to complete your child's PEP as soon as possible.  You can contact Ms. Durham at (301)749-4220 or email