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Summer Parent Resources

Summer Updates

  • Book Bag Policy
  • Code of Conduct
  • Dress Code Policy
  • Grade Appeal
  • School Supply List
Students who wish to carry book bags with them during the day must have a clear book bag.  Book bags that do not meet the requirement must be placed in their lockers during the school day. If students refuse to comply with this policy, our administration and security teams will get involved to deal with the situation.

Your cooperation and support in the above areas will assist in ensuring that our school is safe and orderly for our students and staff.
Clear Backpack.jpg


The Students Rights & Responsibilities Handbook (SRRH) is based on the principle that a positive learning environment and a good state of discipline, starts with everyone involved having knowledge and understanding of the basic standards of acceptable conduct and the procedures for handling inappropriate behaviors. Four words provide the recipe for discipline in PGCPS: Prevention, Intervention, and Progressive Discipline. The Code of Student Conduct is a set of twenty-three rules and regulations designed to maintain the order and discipline necessary for a safe learning environment. These fall into two broad categories; gross misconduct and persistent disobedience. Gross Misconduct is defined as willful and malicious acts that seriously disrupt the educational environment in a class, activity, or the school in general.

  • Acts of Gross Misconduct include:
  • Possession or use of alcoholic beverages
  • Arson
  • Possession of fireworks or explosives
  • False Alarms
  • Inciting others to violence or disruption
  • Fighting
  • Physical attack and/or threat of physical attack
  • Theft
  • Possession or use of weapon Vandalism
  • Shakedown or strong arm
  • Bullying, Threats
  • Harassment, Intimidation
  • Possession, use, or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance

Persistent Disobedience is defined as acts that also have a disruptive effect, especially when they are repeated over a period of time.

Acts of Persistent Disobedience include:

  • Cheating
  • Continued class/school disruption
  • Disrespect Distribution of unauthorized printed material
  • False reports
  • Forgery
  • Gambling Insubordination
  • Loitering Smoking
  • Leaving school
  • Repeated Profanity
  • Unauthorized sale or distribution of any object or substance

The Code of Student Conduct recognizes the need for cooperative relationships between the school and home. This relationship is exemplified by:

A home condition which:

  • Assumes the primary responsibility for the discipline of the child
  • Acknowledges the child’s responsibilities and obligations in the school as well as the community.
  • Recognizes that school personnel must concern themselves primarily with the education and instruction of all students.
  • Cooperates with the school and participates in conferences regarding the behavior, health, and/or academic progress of their child.

A responsible student who:

  • Respects authority and obeys school rules and regulations.
  • Shows respect and consideration for the personal and property rights of others and has an understanding of the need for cooperation with all members of the school community.

Responses for Misbehavior as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct may range from mild to severe, depending on the particular circumstance, the frequency, and severity of the misbehavior. Disciplinary response examples are:

  • Teacher-Student Conference
  • Teacher-Parent Conference
  • Counselor-Parent Conference
  • Counselor-Student Conference
  • Administrator-Student-Teacher Conference
  • Administrator-Parent-Student-Teacher Conference
  • Temporary Removal from Class
  • After School Detention
  • Functional Behavior Assessment
  • Behavior Intervention Plan
  • Parent Shadowing
  • Student Program Adjustment
  • Referral to Pupil Services
  • Short or Long Term Suspension
  • Expulsion from School or PGCPS

Please refer the Students Rights & Responsibilities Handbook for a framework for academic standards and positive student behaviors.

Discipline Referrals "PS 74"

The Pupil Discipline Referral PS 74 is forwarded to the Principal/Assistant Principal by staff members for severe or repeated behavior infractions of the Code of Student Conduct. Parents who receive a copy of the PS 74 are asked to review it with their child and follow appropriate action. As needed, parent conference date and time are placed on the PS 74. The signed PS 74 should be returned to the Principal or Assistant Principal. Parents will be informed of their child’s conduct through verbal or written communication from the Principal or Assistant Principal. All PS 74's are entered in School Max, and filed in the cumulative folder with the student’s other records and is retained until the child graduates from high school. If the parent is not contacted regarding the circumstances of the referral, the principal sends the parents a copy of the form to keep.

All students will attend a Code of Conduct assembly in August and January. Subsequent assemblies and class sessions will occur throughout the school year. A copy of the Student Behavioral Contract will need to be signed by you and your child following the Code of Student Conduct orientation.

Dress Code and Uniform Policy

All clothing must adhere to the PGCPS Dress Code Policy as found in the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook under Section 10: Policies and Procedures.

View Administrative Procedure 5152: System-Wide Student Dress Code

See Wise High School's Uniform Policy

Guidelines and resources related to grades and appeals in Prince George’s County Public Schools are outlined in the following:

Per the policies identified above, please note that grade changes/appeals are only considered based on the following:

  • Completion of make-up work. A copy of the completed make-up work must be scanned and uploaded to the PS-140
  • Error in grade entry or calculation in the teacher gradebook or schedule of courses
  • Lawful absences as defined in COMAR and Administrative Procedure 5113 Student Attendance, Absence, and Truancy
  • Failure to provide allowable accommodations, supplemental aid or services in accordance with a student’s IEP or 504 plan.

If any of these situations apply, the following steps should be taken:

  • Contact the teacher regarding the error to see if they will initiate a grade change request. If yes, there is nothing else you will need to do. 
  • If the teacher disagrees, a parent/guardian or student over the age of 18 may send a Grade Appeal Request by email to the teacher and should copy Dr. Taryn Washington ( and Ms. Sandra Gasaway ( on that message. The parent grade appeal window for SY24 Quarter 4 is from August 26 - 30, 2024 (extended to September 6, 2024).
  • IMPORTANT:  Be sure to include evidence with the submission of a grade appeal. This may include but is not limited to evidence of excused absence, copies of late work submitted, and proof of an error in grading.
  • Parents will be notified of the decision of the School Improvement Team (SIT) to uphold or decline grade changes by a date TBD once the appeal window is set by PGCPS.


Parent Appeal Deadline


December 7, 2023


February 16, 2024


April 25, 2024


September 6, 2024 (Extended)


General Supply List*

  • Three-inch, three-ring binder
  • Clear book bags ONLY  
  • Subject dividers 
  • Loose-leaf notebook paper (college ruled) 
  • Composition books (college ruled) 
  • Blue or black ballpoint pens 
  • #2 pencils  
  • Colored pencils 
  • Highlighters
  • Ruler 
  • Calculator 
  • Graph paper

*Content area supplies that will be suggested by individual teachers will be provided to students during the first week of school.