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Dear Benjamin Tasker (BTMS) Families,

Welcome to the 2024/25 school year. We hope that your summer has been full of fun & relaxation. At this time, we would like to share information that may assist your family in preparing for the return to school. As we plan for the upcoming school year, please take a moment to review our updated Mission/Vision (Updated August 2024), which reflects our changing student needs. Students will follow the BTMS Daily Schedule, which includes (a) Morning Advisory Mod for morning announcements (b) attending six classes daily following an A-day/B-day schedule, (c) one 30-minute lunch break, (d) Tiger Time for interventions, study hall, extension activities, and restorative communities.

To be successful, students should complete the following:

  • Attend every class on time
  • Actively participate in the entire lesson
  • Get involved in school clubs and activities
  • Complete and submit all assignments on time
  • Check virtual platforms (ie; Canvas & Synergy) daily
  • Remain organized and prepared with classroom Materials: BTMS Student Supply List
  • Advocate for themselves by asking questions and seeking assistance when needed.
  • Review the Student/Family Handbook & follow all school rules and protocols.
  • Regularly review school-wide information (ie; BTMS Community Updates, Monthly Newsletter & Website)
  • Review & follow Student Expectations & Rules (Summary).
  • Complete the Absence Notification Form to inform the school of your child’s excused absences so that your child can make up missed assignments.

Communication: You may access ongoing communication, including weekly newsletters, from the BTMS Website or you can sign up for Messenger to receive Bi-weekly emails. Please contact Tiva Lewter ( for questions and/or assistance. Please see the communication information below:

Student schedules will be available in Synergy Parentvue as of Friday, August 16th. Students are placed in their core content area courses based on student performance data (Grades, MCAP, & Benchmark Scores). Students will complete the beginning of the year math diagnostic (Friday, September 30th) and reading diagnostic (Tuesday, August 3) to identify their current levels and needs. To ensure that all students are placed appropriately to meet their individual needs, some students may receive schedule changes based on updated data. Schedule Changes may be requested by submitting a Schedule Change Request form to grade-level counselors

Important Dates to Remember: Please review the following dates to kick-off the beginning of the school year:

  • Friday, August 23rd, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm: New Student Orientation & Family Block Party
    • 8:30 am - 11:00 am - New Students Orientation (Students Follow Moc Schedule)
    • 10:00 am - 11:00 am - Parent Information & Q&A
    • 11:00 am - 12:00 am - New Family Block Party (Meet Your Teachers)
  • Monday, August 26th: 1st Day of School for Students
  • Friday, August 30th: Math Diagnostic
  • Monday, September 2nd: Labor Day - School & Offices Closed
  • Tuesday, September 3rd: Reading Diagnostic
  • Monday, September 23rd: BTMS Fundraiser Kick-off
  • Monday, September 23 (5:30 pm - 8:00 pm): Back to School Night (In-Person)
  • Monday, September 16th: Professional Development Day ;No School for Students
  • Tuesday, September 17th: BTMS PSTO Restaurant Night- Ledos Bowie (rt 197)
  • Thursday, September 19th: 8th Grade Parent Night (Virtual)
  • Friday, September 27th: Teacher Planning- 3HR- Early Dismissal for Students
  • Monday, October 7th: Parent-Teacher Conferences - School Closed for Students
  • Wednesday, October 2nd: 6th Gr. Stakezone Fieldtrip 
  • Thursday, October 3rd:7th Gr. Stakezone Fieldtrip 
  • Friday, October 4th: 8th Gr. Stakezone Fieldtrip
  • Tuesday ,October 8th: Picture Day for 6th Grade students
  • Wednesday, October 9th: Picture Day for 7th and 8th Grade students

Arrival & Dismissal: Care riders and walkers will enter and exit through the back side parking lot doors, while bus riders will enter and exit through the front doors. Only buses are permitted into the driveway in front of the school during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal. The school hours are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The instructional day for students is 8:30 am to 3:10 pm. To ensure a safe and orderly arrival and dismissal, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Arrival: Students may begin arriving as early as 8:00 am. No student should arrive on school property before 8:00 am, as there is no adult supervision. Upon arrival, 6th and 7th-grade students report to the gymnasium, and 8th-grade students report to the cafeteria. Students are released to class at 8:23 am. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria in the morning for all grades. See the Morning Arrival Details Below:
    • 8:00 am - Arrival Begins (No student may arrive before 8:00 am, as there is no supervision available)
    • 8:20 am - Breakfast lines close to walkers/car riders (bus riders may get breakfast upon arrival, whatever the time)
    • 8:23 am - Students released to lockers and/or classes
    • 8:25 am - Students should be in the building by 8:25 am if they are going to make it to class on time.
    • 8:30 am - Instruction Begins (All students arriving to class after this time are marked tardy)
    • 8:33 am - Students arriving to class at this time or later must have a late pass.
  • Dismissal: Dismissal begins at 3:10 pm.
    • Car riders not picked up by 3:30 pm will report to the main office to await their parents, who will need ID for pickup.
    • Early Pickup: Early pick-up ends at 2:30 pm to allow the office staff to prepare for the school’s dismissal. Families picking up after this time will need to wait for their child in the back parking lot for dismissal at 3:10 pm.

Meals (Breakfast/Lunch): Breakfast is available to all students from 8:00 am to 8:20 am. Students must be in line by 8:20 am to receive breakfast. However, all students arriving on a late bus will be permitted to receive breakfast, if they choose. Students may purchase breakfast ($1.60) and/or lunch ($3.00) daily or complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application.

Staff Contact Information: Please see important contact information below:

  6th 7th 8th
Assistant Principals Rachelle Provost
Sherise Hazel
Counselors Helen Hardy
LaDane Dzirasa
Walter Reid


Required Student Forms (Legal Guardians Only, please complete the following forms by Monday, September 3rd)
Emergency Contact Form Publicity & Photography Release Form Student Behavioral Expectations & Student/Family Handbook - Parent Receipt Free and Reduced Lunch Application


For more information regarding the school, please review the BTMS Information & Overview. We are looking forward to an exciting and engaging school year. We can’t wait to see you!!!


Dr. Kendra Hill
Kendra Hill, Ed.D.

Click here for the BTMS Parent Family Welcome Letter