To provide an administrative procedure for the principal selection process for Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS).
To ensure that stakeholders, which include staff, parents, community groups and high school students (for high school principals), are involved and participate in the principal selection process. (Board Policy 4113)
PGCPS encourages parental and community interaction with local schools and recognizes the principal as the corporate head of the local school and primary link between the community and the school system. Thus, PGCPS ensures involvement of staff, parents, community groups and high school students (for high school principals) in the principal selection process through this administrative procedure.
The following definitions apply to the contents of this administrative procedure:
Aspiring Leadership Program for Students’ Success (ALPSS) – A leadership program for assistant principals and central office supervisors who aspire to become principals. ALPSS guides a cohort of leaders through face-to-face sessions, shadowing, and mentoring opportunities to prepare them to become PGCPS school leaders.
Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) – A committee that may exist in each school as outlined by the Prince George’s County Educators’ Association (PGCEA) and the Board of Education of Prince George’s County negotiated agreement.
Prescreening – The process used to determine if an applicant meets the minimal state requirements for a principalship.
School-Specific Panel Interviews
A second committee will convene to interview selected candidates from the principal pool. This committee/interview panel is comprised of:
) representatives from Human Resources;
) the Associate Superintendent from the school’s area;
) the school-specific Instructional Director (ID);
) no more than four faculty members from the school, which may be drawn from the school’s Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) members;
) two support staff;
) four school-specific community members; and
) two high school students for high school panels.
The ID requests individuals from the school community to submit their name if interested in participating on the interview panel.
Each interview panel member will have the opportunity to provide their recommendation to the Superintendent for consideration in selection of the new principal.
The Superintendent will consider candidates recommended from the school-specific panel interview when making the principal selection for school vacancies.
Human Resources will present the candidate, whom the Superintendent has chosen to recommend to the Board. See Administrative Procedure 4112.3.
If the Board approves the appointment of the candidate, Human Resources will notify the candidate of the Board’s approval.
The Associate Superintendent/school-specific ID shall notify the school community of the principal selection after approval by the Board and the candidate’s final acceptance of the offer.
The Superintendent reserves the right to:
Place a candidate in an acting position up to 6 months (180 days) if the permanent employee is absent or in extenuating circumstances as determined by the Superintendent; and
Select a candidate outside the scope of this administrative procedure based on the needs of the school system, including the discretion to make instructional leadership transfers. Such decisions shall be made in compliance with Board Policy 0125 and Administrative Procedure 4170.
The Chief of Human Resources will annually review a random selection of principal candidates’ folders to ensure compliance with this administrative procedure.
Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §§ 4-103, 4-205, 6-201
This administrative procedure originates with the Human Resources Office and will be updated by that office as necessary.
This administrative procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 4113, dated October 9, 2023.
February 10, 2025