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Blueprint Schools Program

Blueprint Schools collage - building interior and exterior pictures and ground breaking with shovels group picture

Phone No.

Chief Operating Officer

Reports To
Supporting Services

Department Leadership

Shawn Matlock



Erika Stephenson

Administrative Secretary

Herb Allen

Project Manager


Loretta White

New Schools Liaison


What Are Blueprint Schools? A P3 Approach to Better Learning

PGCPS’ growing student enrollment, 2,000+ middle school seat deficit, and 206 rapidly aging school buildings have prompted an alternative construction finance method. With support from former Prince George’s County Executive and now U.S. Senator-elect Angela D. Alsobrooks, the Prince George’s County Council, the Board of Education, and the State of Maryland, PGCPS is investing $25 million to $30 million annually in school construction for the next 30 years its largest infrastructure investment in generations. The Blueprint for PGCPS takes an innovative approach to school construction financing through a collaborative public-private partnership (P3) to meet the needs of our 136,500 students and nearly 22,000 employees. 

The Blueprint Schools Program is being executed in phases to efficiently manage the construction and modernization of school facilities. Each phase involves selecting specific schools for development, coordinating with designers, contractors, and developers, and securing necessary funding. This phased approach ensures projects are completed systematically while addressing the district’s most urgent needs. Over the next decade, more than 30 schools will undergo renovations to improve learning and working conditions.

Phase II Schools: Progress Underway

The Blueprint Schools Program has officially begun Phase II. This round of schools will follow the Program’s P3 model, with additional funding provided by the State. PGCPS and the Program have selected Perkins Eastman as the designers and MCN Build as the contractors for Phase II. Progressive Education Partners, LLC (PEP) is the developer for this phase. Visit the developer website below to learn more about the partnership.

The schools for Phase II have been selected and are as follows:

Stay tuned for more information on Blueprint Schools Phase II.

PEP Phase II Website

Phase I Schools: Construction Finished, Learning Begins

In October 2019, PGCPS announced the first six schools to be built under the P3 plan: Drew-Freeman Middle School, Hyattsville Middle School, Kenmoor Middle School, Walker Mill Middle School, and new buildings in the Adelphi and southern areas of the county. The Adelphi and southern area schools were later named Sonia Sotomayor Middle School at Adelphi and Colin L. Powell K-8 Academy, respectively, through a community-centered naming process in alignment with PGCPS Guidelines for Naming/Renaming Schools and Facilities (Administrative Procedure 3500) that involved the formation of naming committees, solicitation of community contacts, and an online voting process.

Sonia Sotomayor Middle School at Adelphi, Drew-Freeman Middle School, Hyattsville Middle School, Kenmoor Middle School, and Walker Mill Middle School opened in August 2023, and Colin L. Powell K-8 Academy opened in November 2023.