Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Employees requesting the following leave types do not need to apply for leave through Absence Management:
We encourage you to review the Extended Leave Request Checklist for helpful information.
To request an Extended Leave of Absence (LOA), use the appropriate form below:
Returning to Work
Employees should submit the Request for Extension form at least ten (10) days before the end date of current approved leave. An employee may be placed on unapproved/unpaid leave if the completed documents are not received within the allotted time. Please contact Absence Management at (301) 952‐6200 if you have any question about the extended leave process.
Employees can quickly submit completed forms to Absence Management via email absence.mgmt@pgcps.org or by fax 301-760-3593. You may also send completed forms by U.S. Mail or drop them off in-person (does not require meeting with a Leave Assistant) at the address below.
Prince George's County Public Schools
Sasscer Administration Building
14201 School Lane, Room 132
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Attention: Absence Management
Due to the high volume of requests, Absence Management staff will send a written reply to leave requests within 5-10 business days, barring extenuating circumstances. If an employee has specific questions that are not answered by the Absence Management Administration Procedures, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Extended LOA Checklist, and the leave forms, we encourage you to schedule an appointment to speak with an Absence Management staff member. To schedule an appointment, please call Payroll Services at 301-952-6200.
Thank you for visiting our website, we hope the information that we have provided is useful. To get started with an extended leave request please contact Payroll Services at 301-952-6200 to be directed to the Case Management Clerk for your work location. Questions regarding Workers’ Compensation, please call 301-780-2186 or visit the Risk Management web page.