Incidents of parents trying to board school buses in Maryland are on the rise. While
reasons for these unauthorized boarding attempts vary, they always endanger students.
School buses are an extension of school and are meant to be safe spaces. Bus drivers are trained in safety protocols that include not allowing parents to board.
Maryland Education Law (26-104)
Who Can Ride A School Bus?
School bus drivers are not allowed to let anyone who is not a student or a school employee board or ride the bus. This rule in in place to ensure the safety of students. Exceptions may apply in specific situation, as outlined by law.
Maryland Education Law (26-104)
Protecting School Bus Drivers
It is a crime to interfere with, disrupt, or obstruct a school bus driver while they are doing their job.
Consequences for Violating this Law
Anyone who disrupts a school bus drivers's duties can face serious penalties including:
Best Practices
Thes laws aim to ensure student safety during school commutes and allow bus drivers to perform their duties without distractions. Parents can assist by reinforcing bus rules and respecting bus rules and respecting bus drivers' responsibilities.