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Chesapeake Bay Foundation How Climate Change impacts the Chesapeake Bay. 4th - 12th
Climate Interactive A global climate simulator that allows users to explore the impact that dozens of policies—such as electrifying transport, pricing carbon, and improving agricultural practices—have on hundreds of factors like energy prices, temperature, air quality, and sea level rise. 7th - 12th
MD Climate Teach-IN The Maryland Climate Teach-In is an annual week of events focused on climate change education and solutions. PGCPS supports this event and asks that teachers register. K - 12th
NASA Offers lessons and data for students to study Climate Change as well as other related topics. K - 6th
NOAA List of lessons around issues of Climate Change. 6th - 12th
Our Climate Our Future A collection of educational resources on climate science, climate justice, and climate solutions. K - 12th
Paleontological Research Institution Find resources such as classroom toolkits with activities aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, videos, and information about teacher professional development workshops on climate change and energy topics. K - 12th
PBS Lessons on weather, climate, and Climate Change. 9th - 12th
Subject to Climate​ Free Climate Change lessons by content and grade level. K - 12th
Univ. of Michigan List of lessons related to Environmental Injustice 4th - 12th
University of Maine Informational websites, data tools, videos, learning activities, and other resources – to support teaching about climate change and its connections to people. 6th - 12th
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Studies​ Monitoring the impact of a warming climate on ecosystems from the Chesapeake Bay 6th - 12th
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication Lesson for educators and background information on Climate Change. 6th - 12th