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Twice Exceptional Services

Contact Information

Debra Perhach
Twice Exceptional/Autism Resource Teacher


Prince George’s County Public Schools recognizes and nurtures outstanding potential in all children, including Twice Exceptional learners.  The term “twice-exceptional,” also referred to as “2e,” is used to describe gifted children who, have the characteristics of gifted students with the potential for high achievement and give evidence of one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria. These disabilities may include specific learning disabilities (SLD), speech and language disorders, emotional disabilities, physical disabilities, autism spectrum, or other impairments such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Our mission is to create a  learning environment that ensure twice exceptional learners will reach their highest potential and become productive citizens.  Through implementation of evidence based strategies and dual differentiation strategies, all stakeholders will collaborate to ensure that students academic growth is commensurate with their intellectual abilities.

Classroom teachers, Talented and Gifted (TAG) teachers, special educators, related service providers, and professional school counselors work together to address the social, emotional, and academic needs of Twice Exceptional students.

  • Students in elementary schools receive TAG services via the TAG Pull-out, TAG in the Regular Classroom, or TAG Center Program. 
  • Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams determine the special education and related service supports, accommodations, and services needed by Twice Exceptional students who have been determined eligible for special education services.
  • Classroom teachers modify instruction for Twice Exceptional students based on IEP accommodations.
  • Elementary TAG Center Programs provide bi-weekly forums for their Twice Exceptional students as a means to provide additional support services, academic resources, and social and emotional supports that are not necessarily outlined in the IEP.
  • Students with IEPs may access TAG courses and Academic Resource Honors courses at the Middle/High School level.

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