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Board Policy 9364 - Participation in Meetings Electronically


Although Board Members are encouraged to participate in person at all meetings, it is the policy of the Board of Education of Prince George’s County to permit Board Members to utilize electronic means for participating in committee and Executive Session meetings of the Board, subject to all of the requirements of law and the regulations in this Policy.


Board members may participate electronically in Executive Session meetings no more than four (4) times during the fiscal year. Board Staff shall use proper electronic methods in order to ensure confidentiality of the remote connection. Board Members participating electronically will count towards the establishment of a quorum.

One or more Members of the Board may participate in any committee meeting of the Board provided that at least a quorum of the Board is physically present at a meeting that is otherwise lawfully convened and assembled. In the event a Member is unable to physically attend the meeting and wishes to participate by electronic means, such as telephone with a speaker phone connection, or similar means that would allow remote participation, that Member must make a request to the Committee Chair to participate remotely at least three (3) days prior to the time the meeting is scheduled, so that the necessary arrangements can be made for such participation.

In the event one of more Members of the Board participates in ameeting without being physically present, the following conditions must exist:

  1. The meeting may not be chaired by a person not physically present at the meeting; if the Chair is participating remotely, the Vice Chair shall chair the meeting.
  2. The electronic means utilized must permit each person participating in the meeting to hear and be heard by all other participants in the meeting.
  3. All provisions of the Maryland Open Meetings Act must be followed and adhered
  4. Any Board Member participating remotely may cast a vote on the issue being debated. In the event that the electronic means utilized becomes a distraction to the meeting or if the Member is unable to hear or communicate through that electronic means at any time, the Board or Chair, may, at his or her discretion, terminate the use of such electronic means and end the participation by the Board Member who is not physically present.
  5. The Minutes for the meeting shall reflect the name of any Board Member who participated in the meeting remotely.

About This Policy

Updated March 21, 2017
