Procedure |
Date |
AP 5010 - Homeless Children and Youth-School Access and Services |
01/25/2021 |
AP 5010.1 - Homeless Children and Youth - Staff Responsibilities |
02/01/2021 |
AP 5011 - Home and Hospital Teaching |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5062 - Student Behavior Interventions |
03/22/2024 |
AP 5080 - Procedures for Students Without Funds for School Meals |
08/14/2017 |
AP 5090 - School Arrival and Dismissal Procedures |
09/30/2019 |
AP 5110.3 - Student Transfers |
06/01/2021 |
AP 5110.4 – Athletic Transfers |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5111 - Registration and Withdrawal of Students |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5111.1 - Admission to Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade |
10/03/2024 |
AP 5111.11 - Early Entrance Into First Grade |
09/29/2022 |
AP 5111.2 - Admission of Students From Non-Approved or Non-Accredited Schools Grades 9 to 12 |
10/08/2019 |
AP 5111.3 - Multilingual Learners |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5112 - Registration, Withdrawal and Transfer of Foreign Exchange Students |
07/01/2013 |
AP 5113 - Student Attendance, Absence and Truancy |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5113.5 - Home Schooling |
09/01/2020 |
AP 5115 - Student Appeals of Extended Suspensions and Expulsions |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5116 - Grade Change Authorization and Appeals |
10/14/2024 |
AP 5117 - Early Release During the School Day |
08/01/2012 |
AP 5118.1 - Informal Care Arrangements and the Enrollment of Non-Resident Students |
08/01/2015 |
AP 5119.3 - Educational Programs-Services for Pregnant and Parenting Students |
01/04/2023 |
AP 5121.1 - Grading and Reporting for Elementary Schools, Early Childhood through Grade 5 |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5121.2 - Grading and Reporting for Middle Schools Grade 6 through Grade 8 |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5121.3 - Grading and Reporting for High Schools Grade 9 through Grade 12 |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5122 - Requirement for Participation in Interscholastic Athletics and Extracurricular Activities |
09/25/2024 |
AP 5123.2 - General Procedures Pertaining to Promotion, Retention and Acceleration of Students |
02/06/2025 |
AP 5124 - Student Intervention Team (SIT) and Student Support Team (SST) |
09/03/2024 |
AP 5125 - Individual Student School-Based Records |
11/23/2020 |
AP 5125.1 - Individual Student Non-School-Based Records |
01/01/2009 |
AP 5125.2 - Student Records - Form Management Program |
01/01/2009 |
AP 5125.4 - Information Technology Service Request Authorization |
07/01/2019 |
AP 5125.5 - Children in State-Supervised Care-Transfer of Educational Records |
07/01/2013 |
AP 5126 - Release of Certain Student Information |
08/20/2003 |
AP 5127 - Graduation Exercises |
07/01/2015 |
AP 5128 - Selection of Valedictorians and Salutatorians |
10/01/2015 |
AP 5129 - Student Transcript Requests |
07/01/2016 |
AP 5130 - Personal Education Plan (The PEP) |
10/01/2011 |
AP 5131.1 - School Bus Conduct |
07/01/2013 |
AP 5132 - Portable Electronic Devices |
06/03/2019 |
AP 5134 - Family Educational Rights and Privancy Act (FERPA) Annual Notice and Directory Information |
08/10/2020 |
AP 5135.1 - Fundraising |
01/22/2016 |
AP 5135.2 - Principals Contracting Authority |
01/22/2016 |
AP 5137 - Sales Tax |
04/15/2016 |
AP 5138 - Charity Drives in the Schools |
07/01/2019 |
AP 5139 - Standardized Parking Permit Fee |
07/01/2004 |
AP 5142 - Gangs, Gang Activity and Similar Destructive or Illegal Behavior |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5143 - Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation |
07/01/2024 |
AP 5144 - Cooperation with Law Enforcement Officers and Government Officials Contacting Students |
08/30/2018 |
AP 5145 - Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect |
01/18/2021 |
AP 5146 - Procedural Guidelines for Students with Disabilities under Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 |
09/01/2017 |
AP 5151 - Guidelines for Producing and Publishing Student Publications (Print and Electronic Versions) |
10/29/2018 |
AP 5152 - System-Wide Student Dress Code |
09/04/2018 |
AP 5154 - Heat Acclimatization Awareness and Education Program |
07/31/2019 |
AP 5155 - Concussion Awareness Program |
09/17/2014 |
AP 5156 - Athletic Event Coverage |
09/18/2018 |
AP 5158 - Middle School Athletic Association |
07/31/2019 |
AP 5160 - Performance Enhancing Substances |
07/31/2019 |
AP 5161 - Immunizations |
09/03/2015 |
AP 5162 - Emergency Care in Schools |
07/30/2019 |
AP 5162.1 - Maryland Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) (formally known as Do Not Resuscitate Orders) |
08/26/2019 |
AP 5163 - Medication |
10/25/2021 |
AP 5164 - Pediculosis (Head Lice) Control in the Schools |
10/25/2021 |
AP 5165 - Management of Students with a Known and Unknown Risk for Anaphylactic Reaction |
10/25/2021 |
AP 5166 - Toileting and Personal Care |
10/22/2018 |
AP 5167 - Allergen Control in the Schools |
07/01/2013 |
AP 5168 - Automated External Defibrillators |
07/01/2013 |
AP 5175 - Blood Program |
07/01/2013 |
AP 5180 - Student Use of Social Media in Schools |
08/17/2016 |
AP 5181 - Single Sex Mentoring and Extracurricular Activities |
07/01/2015 |