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Administrative Procedure 6183 - Guidelines for Television Production Services

I. Purpose

To provide guidelines for requests for television production services.

II. Background

The Department of Television Services encourages offices and schools to submit television production requests. However, before deciding to produce a video, it is important to keep in mind that television productions take a significant amount of personnel time to complete. It is not unusual for a 15-minute production to take over 150 hours of personnel time. Thus, it is important to limit productions to programs which will be seen by large audiences and/or will be shown countywide over Cable Channel 96.

The Department of Television Services invites the submission of project proposals that are instructional in nature and are aligned with our curricula or which highlight the instructional achievements and public affairs of Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS).

III. Procedures

To assist in determining the suitability of materials for television production, the following suggestions and directions are offered.

  1. Videotape is recommended when:
    1. There is an abundance of visually interesting material and activity;
    2. The purpose of the project is to create a strong visual image or to make a significant emotional impact;
    3. The purpose is to produce an introductory piece for an audience that will receive additional information;
    4. The program will air regularly on Cable Channel 96 or will be distributed to a large number of schools; and
    5. The production will reach a large audience, contain objectives consistent with the school system’s goals, and justify the high cost of production.
  2. Videotape is not recommended when:
    1. The production is largely of a testimonial nature or deals with topics limited to small audiences;
    2. The production will be available for limited broadcasting; or
    3. The production will be seen by a relatively small number of people.
  3. Other alternatives include:
    1. Internet is recommended when:
      1. Information needs to be disseminated immediately;
      2. A large audience, within the school system and outside of the school system, is desired;
      3. The information can be viewed by anyone; or
      4. You are putting out both short and lengthy announcements.
    2. Print is recommended when:
      1. Specific detailed information needs to be conveyed, e.g., a complicated process needs to be explained;
      2. Constant review of the material is needed for understanding;
      3. There is lengthy information to be communicated;
      4. Lengthy instructions are being delivered; or
      5. A companion piece is needed for a videotaped production.
    3. Multimedia Presentations, Slide Shows, and Transparencies are recommended when:
      1. Specific visual detail is being shown to an audience, e.g., charts and graphs;
      2. Movement and action are not necessary to the visual statement;
      3. The pace of the program needs to be adjusted to meet the needs of the audience;
      4. Frequent changes and updating are required to keep the presentation current: slide shows are much easier to edit and update than a videotape;
      5. There is a short deadline; or
      6. The presentation will be done for workshops, awards ceremonies, large meetings, and other events.
    4. In-House Videotape by Schools and Offices (Note: All schools already have camcorders; central offices can borrow one by calling Library Media at 301-386-1639) is recommended when:
      1. There are school activities that are of interest to the individual school community, e.g., plays, concerts, and athletic events;
      2. Workshops need to be recorded for later reference; or
      3. Specific examples of classroom activities need to be recorded for in-service purposes.
  4. The following responsibilities are inherent in the television request process:
    1. Television is visually driven. A televised presentation, be it in the form of a talk show, an instructional video, or an interactive experience, can often be the best format for conveying a message. When detailed information needs to be communicated, other media such as computer-based multimedia presentations, slide shows, or brochures may be the preferred methods of communication. Inclusion of such information on the school system’s website ( is also strongly encouraged.
    2. The client will need to prepare a script outline that includes the intended audience, the major points to be made in the production, important content and themes, and the significant spokespeople who will help to tell the story. The only costs to a client will be for: overtime (if, due to the nature of the request, shooting must be done during evening hours and weekends), and tape duplication costs.
    3. The Department of Television Services will choose the style and format of the production, as well as on-camera host, narrator, titles, and musical selections. The Department of Television Services will be responsible for technical production work and videotape duplication.
  5. Requests to videotape and televise political events which involve campaigning (by individuals, organizations, and political parties) will be denied.
  6. Additional Information: If you have a request for a television production, and meet the criteria above, please put your request in writing to the Director of Television Services.
    1. The Production Request form (Attachment) must be completed and submitted when requesting a production.
    2. The Department of Television Services, as well as the Channel 96 viewing guide, can be found on the Internet at

IV. Related Procedures


V. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

The Department of Television Services will be responsible for updating these procedures as needed.

VI. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 6183, dated March 10, 2005.

VII. Effective Date

July 1, 2013
