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Administrative Procedure 4161 - Grievance Procedures for Negotiated Items, Issues

I. Purpose

To provide procedures for handling grievances for negotiated items/issues.

II. Information

The Board of Education will provide an impartial and expeditious investigation, which shall assure the prompt resolution of grievances for negotiated items/issues at the lowest possible administrative level.

III. Definition

The following definition applies to the content of this Administrative Procedure: Grievance - “A grievance is a request by an employee, or a group of employees for personal relief in a matter of concern or dissatisfaction relating to the employment of the employee(s) in question. The subject of concern or dissatisfaction must be something which has been negotiated and it is subject to the control of the school system.”

IV. Procedures

  1. An employee with a grievance may pursue its resolution through his/her negotiated agreement channels.
  2. Grievance procedures are included in the negotiated agreements of the following employee organizations:
    1. Prince George’s County Educators’ Association (PGCEA).
    2. Association of Classified Employees, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local 2250 (ACE-AFSCME).
    3. Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel, Unit II and Unit III (ASASP).
    4. Service Employees International Union, Local 400PG (SEIU).
  3. The grievance procedures are available to employees by distribution of printed copies of negotiated agreements to all covered employees from the Human Resources Office. The negotiated agreements are available on the school system website.
  4. Nothing in this administrative procedure or the negotiated procedures by the employee organizations shall limit the rights of any employee or any unit member to discuss any complaint or problem with any appropriate administrator without representation or the intervention of any employee organization.

V. Related Policies and Procedures

  • None.

VI. Maintenance and Update of these Procedures

This Administrative Procedure originates with Chief Human Resources Officer and will be updated as necessary.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 4161, dated July 1, 2005 and all rules and other directives of a prior date.

VIII. Effective Date

Last Revised: July 1. 2013


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