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Technology Advisory Committee

Prince George’s County Public Schools Transformation 2026 Equity Strategic Plan explains our commitment to our students to “provide a transformative educational experience anchored by excellence in equity - developing 21st century competencies”. In alignment with this mission, our district has continued to invest in equitable access to technology hardware and digital resources to ensure our staff and students are prepared for our increasingly digital world. The current and future success of technology-based initiatives requires a strong dedication to the proper implementation and management of our digital ecosystem, which includes infrastructure and technology solutions to support student learning and to close the digital divide. 

In support of this belief, Prince George’s County Public Schools’ Division of Information Technology is devoted to providing opportunities for responsible participation in advising, analyzing, and advocating for technology programs and services. The Technology Advisory Committee provides one means to achieve this objective by allowing interested stakeholders to become more active in the educational process. 

Committee Goals:

The Technology Advisory Committee will provide strategic input and recommendations in the development and implementation of technology strategies that align with the PGCPS Strategic Plan and our focus on educational excellence through the lens of equity. 

The Committee will provide ongoing guidance on the following: 

  • Current and emerging technology services, strategies, and resources to establish consistent processes for staff and students
  • Current and emerging technology services, strategies, and resources to ensure optimal alignment with industry standards and best practices
  • Other matters related to technology as requested by Executive Leadership

Selected Committee Members: 

Ms. Ceci Aikens, Central Office Staff, Parent

Mr. Carlos Baez, Central Office Staff

Miss Egypt Dawkin, Student

Mr. Jason Flanagan, Central Office Staff

Ms. Binta Hill, Central Office Staff

Ms. Jennifer Holloway, Central Office Staff

Mr. Thurman Jones, Community Member

Mr. Jackson Ibironke, Central Office Staff, Parent

Ms. Barbara Liedahl, Community Member

Dr. Felicia Martin Latief, Central Office Staff

Dr. Negasti McCurdie-Wright, Central Office Staff

Ms. Delores Millhouse, Parent

Mr. Phithizela Ngcobo, Central Office Staff

Dr. Coquette Petrella, Central Office Staff

Ms. Bonnie Razler, Teacher, Parent

Ms. Sacha Taylor-Blades, Teacher

Ms. Lisa Wright, Central Office Staff

2024-2025 Meeting Dates:

  • Thursday, December 12, 2024 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm (Notes)
  • Tuesday, February 25, 2025 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Wednesday, May 21, 2025 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Contact: Kimberly Roberson, Director, Technology Integration and Support , Phone: (301) 925-2874