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Frequently Asked Questions About ParentVUE

Important Notes and Tips for Synergy ParentVUE

Using a phone to register may result in errors. Google Chrome is the preferred browser for activating ParentVUE accounts and completing the Online Registration (OLR) process.

If you are unable to access activation pages and options after receiving an error it is because your previous clicks and responses are saved in your browser history. Try right clicking on the link and selecting "Open link in incognito window."

Special circumstances can delay registration and enrollment. “Waiting” under the enrollment status could be visible if another office must review the application before the school staff can approve the application. 

Questions or Issues Related to ParentVUE and Student Registration in Synergy

  • I tried to register/enroll my student using the ParentVUE App I downloaded from the App Store/Google Play. 
    • Currently, the ParentVUE app for PGCPS is not enabled yet. Please use the website on a computer (laptop or desktop) to create or activate your ParentVUE account and complete registration/enrollment for your student in Synergy. Google Chrome is the preferred browser.
  • I tried to register/enroll my student using the browser on my mobile device (phone) and get an error.
    • Parents should not try to register their student(s) or create their ParentVUE account from their phone. Registering in ParentVUE on their phone will result in errorsPlease use the website on a computer (laptop or desktop) to create or activate your ParentVUE account and complete registration/enrollment for your student in Synergy. Google Chrome is the preferred browser.
  • I tried to register/enroll my student but I got an error and now I get the same error every time I try. I can't do anything.
    • The data you entered is in your browser history. You can clear your browser history or right click on the link and select "Open link in incognito window" to get past the error message. Google Chrome is the preferred browser.
  • I clicked on Request Account Activation and answered the questions, but it said "Unable to complete the request with the provided information." 
    • This information must match exactly what was in your child's record in the previous student information system (SIS/SchoolMAX). You should be able to contact your child's designated school, answer some security questions, and receive the information as it appears in the student information database to continue with your activation. The school should also be able to provide you with an Activation Key to activate your ParentVUE account.
    • If you try to go to the Request Activation page again and receive an error right away it is because the old data you entered is in your browser history. Google Chrome is the preferred browser. In Chrome you can clear your browser history or right click on Request Account Activation and select "Open link in incognito window." Then re-enter data confirmed from the school. 
  • I have applied in ParentVUE as a new (or existing family) to PGCPS. How can I check the status of my application?
    • Families who have submitted an application for their child(ren) to attend PGCPS may check the status of their application by selecting “Status” in the upper right hand corner. Status does not appear if the family hasn’t submitted an application.
  • I finished my child's registration but it keeps saying Waiting under the status.
    • Registration/enrollment has to be reviewed by staff manually. This can take a few days during busy times of the year, like the middle of August through the middle of September. An enrollment done outside of that timeframe would be faster as long as all of the paperwork is correct and you do not have special circumstances*.
    • With special circumstances  another office must review the application before the school staff can approve the application. A good example of this is if the student was born in another country. The International Student Admissions and Enrollment Office (ISAEO) must review the application before school staff takes an action.
  • I submitted my child's registration/enrollment but I received a Denied message stating there are duplicate records for my student.
    • This can happen when your child already had a record in the student information system from a previous enrollment, but a parent has also added the student as a new enrollment. It is important that there is only one record for each student. Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries will need to be contacted by the boundary school to resolve this issue after they have verified the parent/guardian's identity and appropriate parental and educational rights. 
  • I have more than one student in PGCPS but I can't see them all in ParentVUE. They were in the student information system/SchoolMAX.
    • In some cases during a previous enrollment/registration process a child was added under a new "household" instead of an existing household under the parent or guardian. Pupil Accounting will need to merge the households. This request should be submitted by one of your child's schools after they have verified your identity, the official household for the student(s) and parental and educational rights for each student. (Each parent/guardian is the head of a "household" that existed through an upload of data from the US Census. During a previous registration process at a school the registrar was unsuccessful in locating the household in the census data so I new household was created. When the data was moved from one student information system to another both household records moved separately. the records need to be merged by Pupil Accounting.)

Special Circumstances

*Special circumstances can delay registration and enrollment. “Waiting” under the enrollment status could be visible if another office must review the application before the school staff can approve the application.

Special circumstances include:

“Waiting” could be visible if another office must review the application before the school staff can approve the application. A good example of this is if the student was born in another country. The International Student Admissions and Enrollment Office (ISAEO) must review the application before school staff takes an action.