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Partner With Us


The Adopt A School program invites businesses, community organizations, and individuals to collaborate with us to make a lasting impact on students' lives.   Whether you’re interested in contributing financially, offering in-kind donations, or volunteering your time through student programs like tutoring, mentoring, and/or athletics, we offer multiple ways to get involved.

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Student Programs: Support academic tutoring, mentoring, or athletics programs to enhance student learning. Donations: Provide financial or in-kind contributions directly to schools. Volunteer: Enrich students' education by becoming a volunteer through the PGCPS Volunteer Program.

Process for Becoming a Partner

Starting the Partnership Process

Identifying the Type of Partnership


  1. Complete and Submit an Inquiry Form 
    Potential partners complete the online inquiry form to express interest in partnering with PGCPS schools.  The Strategic Partnerships Specialist will contact the potential partner to discuss next steps. 
  2. Determine Your Partnership Type
    Based on your partnership type, the following steps will apply:
    • District Agreement Partners: The Strategic Partnerships Specialist will provide you with a Partnership Agreement.  
    • MOU Partners: You will receive an Adopt A School Program Application from the Strategic Partnerships Specialist.  



Approval Process for District Agreement Partners

Financial and/or In-Kind Donations


  1. Principal Acceptance - The school principal must first review and approve the partnership
  2. Complete & Submit the Partnership Agreement - The partnering organization must complete and submit the official Partnership Agreement form.
  3. Central Office Approval - The Central Office will review the submitted agreement for final approval.
  4. Partnership Notification - Once approved, the partner will receive official notification of the agreement.
  5. Complete the Donation Form - For any donations, the Donation Form must be completed and submitted.

Important: Volunteer Registration is Mandatory for School Events




Approval Process for MOU Partners

Student Programs


  1. Online Application - The partner must submit and online application to initiate the process.
  2. Principal Acceptance - The school principal must review and approve the partnership.
  3. Insurance Verification - Proof of insurance must be provided and verified.*
  4. VRS Safety Requirements - The partner must meet all Volunteer Registration System (VRS) safety requirements.*
  5. Budget/Funding Source - A clear budget and funding source must be identified and approved.*
  6. Memorandum of Understanind g(MOU) - the MOU must be drafted, reviewed and signed by all parties.*
  7. Central Office Approval - The Center Office will review and give final approval.
  8. Partnership Notification - Once all steps are completed, the partner will receive official notification of the partnership.

*Documentation for steps 3-6 must be submitted together.


Application Review

  • If your application is not accepted, you will receive an email.
  • If your application is accepted, a Partnership Package, including a Checklist will be sent to you for completion. Complete the documents and submit without signature.   
  • MOU Review and Approval
    PGCPS will review it for alignment with goals, legal and budget approval. After approval, the MOU will be signed by the Superintendent and returned to the Service Partner.
  • Return to MOU Partner for the organization’s signature   

How You Can Make a Difference

Join us in supporting our schools and helping to create brighter futures for students through the Adopt-A-School program. As an Adopt-A-School partner, you can contribute in meaningful ways that address the unique needs of each school. Whether you're providing financial support, volunteering your time, or offering in-kind donations, your partnership will have a lasting impact.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • College & Career Exposure: Inspire students by exposing them to college and career pathways through field trips, career days, or mentoring sessions.
  • Financial Support: Provide a minimum of $2,500 in in-kind donations or monetary contributions to help schools meet their needs.
  • Volunteer Service: Participate in at least one school-sponsored service activity, helping students and staff directly.
  • Mentoring, Tutoring, and Internship Opportunities: Offer students guidance and real-world experience to prepare them for success.

School Needs

The Office of Community Partnerships works closely with schools to identify areas of need, and partners play a critical role in meeting those needs. Below are just a few examples of how your support can help:

  • Student Supplies
  • School Uniforms, Coats, and Shoes
  • Engineering Calculators
  • Chromebooks and Tablets
  • Paid Speakers or Performers
  • School Renovation Projects
  • Library Beautification and Playgrounds
  • Teacher’s Lounge Remodeling

Additional areas may be identified through partnership planning.

Each school has a unique set of needs, and to help guide your support, we invite you to review the Principal Wish List, where school leaders have identified specific requests for their communities. Your generosity can directly meet these needs and make a meaningful difference in the lives of students and staff.

Principals' Wish List

  • Funding Opportunities
  • Beautification & Make Overs
  • Tutors Needed
  • Community Partners & Volunteers